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PUMA - METAPUB: Disclaimer
PUMA and MetaPub are systems that manage institutional and/or thematic repositories of the Institutes of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The systems are designed for the self-archiving and dissemination of the documentation produced by the research institutes. The PUMA and MetaPub software has been developed and is maintained by ISTI-CNR Pisa.
The purpose of these systems is to provide an immediate, permanent and free access to the results of the member institutes, thus increasing their visibility, and facilitating their dissemination and use.
The service provided has been tuned to meet the needs of CNR researchers by simplifying self-archiving, ensuring preservation, and providing easy access to their files via Web. The archived content may also be used to meet administrative bibliographic requirements, to submit documentation to the information systems of the head offices of the National Research Council, and to enhance the visibility of national and international scientific production through public search engines (eg Google Scholar, etc..).
The service also participates in the "Open Access" movement by making accessible documents that can be freely distributed (via DRIVER, OAIster etc.).
PUMA accepts published and unpublished documents: magazine articles, conference proceedings, books, partial contributions to books, editorial activities, pre-prints / post-prints, theses, dissertations, research articles and technical notes, scientific dossiers, maps, project reports, etc.. PUMA accepts contributions in any language, but all documents must include an English abstract.
Authors enter the descriptive metadata and submit the full text of the document (one or more files, preferably in PDF format) and associate the document with its access rights (free, reserved for certain categories of people, or private).
For this purpose, from PUMA it is possible to consult the SHERPA/RoMEO site, which presents the copyright and self-archiving policies adopted by major publishers of scientific and academic texts.
Rights of Authors
In the case of more than one author, the submission of a document must be approved by the co-authors.
The author is in the original holder of moral rights and property:
Moral rights are not transferable;
Property rights, or economic exploitation, may be transferred;
The moral right of authorship of all content is property of the authors as creators of the work (Law No. 633/1941 and subsequent amendments; c.c. artt. 2575 to 2583). When negotiating with publishers, authors should avoid renouncing their intellectual property rights, in order to allow the widest possible access to information. On initiating a contract with a publishing company, authors are thus encouraged to maintain the rights of self-archiving (open access) and the rights for personal use for educational and didactic purposes..
Rights of Readers
Depending on the access rights assigned to individual works, and in accordance with the desire of the author and / or any contractual obligations entered into with the publisher, the reader is permitted to copy, print, and cite the documents and metadata stored in the archives for scientific purposes. A full or partial commercial use without the consent of the author is strictly prohibited. In all cases, documents in the archive can be used for educational purposes only after careful study and citation of the sources and in accordance with the limits established by current legislation on copyright:
any use for commercial purposes is excluded;
document content can not be changed under any circumstances;
the access to information and documents provided by the authors, must be made available in the same way to other users.
Responsibilities of Authors
Authors have full and sole responsibility for the content of their work and the administrators of PUMA are absolved from any infringement of the rights of third parties. Administrators perform only a formal and functional control of the documents and associated metadata. PUMA administrators, however, reserve the right to conduct audits and to reject the inclusion of items that do not conform to the policies of publishers. If they have evidence of a breach of copyright, the document or documents in question will be immediately removed.
Document Versions
Different versions of the same work can be stored in Puma:
Pre-prints: the version of the work submitted for publication.
Post-prints: the final version of the work, accepted for publication.
Published version: the version actually published by the publisher.
The pre-print version is likely to be assigned to the type of document Pre-print or Technical Report, at the discretion of the author.
Post-print and Published versions will instead be assigned to the corresponding types (articles in journals, at conferences, and editorial contribution to the book ...).
In order to promote open access (Open Access) information, it is possible, and indeed desirable, to associate with a bibliographic record both the "light", post-print version (when allowed) and also the published version (prepared for preservation and access in accordance with the provisions set by the publisher).
Access to PUMA collections
CNR repositories collections:
Repository Project (EU: FP7-H2020)
![]() FP7-LPAd |
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![]() FP7-Prelida |
Other repositories:
Collection GEO: Version 2004 Dublin-Core
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